Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Bean Animation

Untitled from Ivy Lim Yu Ting on Vimeo.

This is an animation on a bean, which was motivated to attain the trophy it sees beyond the high jump bar; hence it prepares to make the jump. However, as it squashes down to jump, it becomes stuck and was unable to revert back to its original shape. Instead, it begins to shrink even more with each attempt, and then it begins to cry and become extremely dejected by its failure to revert back to its original form.

Squash & Stretch Animation from Ivy Lim Yu Ting on Vimeo.

This is a squash and stretch animation which I did as an exercise in Animation Fundamentals in Year one.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Storyboards for MOIP1

These are just part of the storyboards which I drew for the group project. It is a story about a nerdy boy named Joel who likes fantasy, and he was given several clues to lead him to Temasek Design School. There, he learns about the many modules we were thought in Year 1, and he will finally join MOI.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Life of a Primitive

Life of a Primitive from Ivy Lim Yu Ting on Vimeo.

This is a short video clip about the life of a primitive which I did for an assignment in poly year 2 for the module Video Editing.

Architectural Drawings

This is a sketch done on the buildings at Clarke Quay.

Lee Kuan Yew Drawing

This is a caricature done on Lee Kuan Yew, Singapore's Minister Mentor.

Still Life Drawing

This is a sketch done on a bust of a man from the side view.

Osprey Drawing

This is a sketch done on an osprey eagle as it swoops down to the water surface to capture its prey.

Human & Animal Drawings

This is a sketch done based on some pictures found in a reference book.

Shark Drawings

These are sketches are made for sharks based on pictures from magazines. These pictures were also inspired from watching the movie "Jaws" on TV.

Dog Drawings

These sketches are done based on my cousin's dog in various poses.

Cat Drawings

These are some sketches which I made on a stray cat which frequents the void deck under my house.

Typography Pattern

This is yet another typography pattern made out of the same letters, except there is now a spider sitting atop the web, and that not all the letters were coloured, because in reality, a spider's web is hard to see unless we really observe it; hence I made some letters "visible" by shading them, while some letters were not shaded, hence they are "invisible". The spider was also made colourful so as to contrast itself from its own web, because spiders are rather easy to spot when it is resting on its web.

Typography Pattern

This is a pattern inspired from a spider's web, where all the letters chosen could actually interlace each other beautifully, just like a real spider's web. The letters used were T, Y, M and Z. This design was meant to depict a cobweb, as all the letters are shaded in black to show that dust has accumulated on the abandoned web, such that it is visible to our eye.

Character Design

I was asked to create a hippo which is furry and sharp, hence I created this guy. His name is Pat, though he is not sharp in any places except for his single tooth, which juts out from the corner of his mouth. I also chose the colour yellow for Pat as this colour actually appeals to children, and I wanted to make his character friendly and has a love for fast food, such as fries or chicken drumsticks. Instead of a short tail which all hippos have, I gave Pat a really long tail, so as to acheive a really strange look. His hobbies are singing and dancing, and he lives near beaches, where he will not disturb others when he is blasting his speakers at full volume. Occasionally, he might even play with children.

Image making

This is an exercise which i did for Ideation in Year one of my poly education. Instead of drawing individual pictures out of the given shapes, I had decided to create a story out of the shapes by drawing similar pictures which could link the story up.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Fairy Animation for MOI Project 1

Fairy Animation from Ivy Lim Yu Ting on Vimeo.

This is a short animation which I did as a sequence for a group project.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


This is a blog on my portfolio. It consists of all of my life's works & projects.

My Life Goal: To allow my work to be showcased in theatres all over the world
